1. What is ENT?
ENT specialists are physicians, trained to provide medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the ears, nose and throat (ENT) and related problems affecting the head and neck.
Otolaryngologists, or more commonly referred to as ENT physicians, diagnose, treat, and manage specialty-specific disorders as well as many primary care problems in both children and adults.
2. What are the common Reasons To Visit An ENT?
The common Reasons To Visit An ENT:
• Earache
• Hearing loss/Deafness
• Ear discharge
• Tinnitus
• Giddiness/Vertigo
• Nasal blockage
• Allergies
• Nasal discharge
• Nasal bleeding
• Loss of smell
• Throat pain
• Common cold and cough
• Difficulty in breathing
• Difficulty in swallowing/ dysphagia
• Blood in sputum
• speech/voice disorders
• Head and neck trauma
• Lump/ or swelling in head an neck
3. What to expect from an ENT appointment?
The doctor will take a complete medical history. Depending on the reason for the visit, the ENT will perform a physical and visual examination. This may include looking in your ears, your nose and your throat.
Your neck, throat, cheekbones and other areas of your face and head may be palpitated. The ENT may use a special instrument called an otoscope to peer into your ears. A simple speculum may be used to see inside your nasal passages. The ENT examination may feel overwhelming because of the instruments used to peer, poke and
prod, but none of these procedures should cause you physical discomfort. If having your nose, ears or other body parts touched causes you anxiety, let the ENT know before the examination begins. The role of the ENT is to provide relief, not add to your discomfort.
Depending on the reason for your visit, various hearing tests may be performed. Scans or images may be ordered to get more information. Balance tests may be performed if you have had problems with your ears or dizziness.
4. What Do ENT Specialists Treat?
The Ears:
The unique domain of Otolaryngologists is the treatment of ear disorders. They are trained in both the medical and surgical treatment of hearing, ear infections, balance disorders, ear noise (tinnitus), nerve pain, and facial and cranial nerve disorders. Otolaryngologists also manage congenital (birth) disorders of the outer and inner ear.
The Nose:
Care of the nasal cavity and sinuses is one of the primary skills of Otolaryngologists. Management of the nasal area includes allergies and sense of smell. Breathing through, and the appearance of, the nose are also part of Otolaryngologists’ expertise.
The Throat:
Communicating (speech and singing) and eating a meal all involve this vital area. Also specific to Otolaryngologists is expertise in managing diseases of the larynx (voice box) and the upper aero-digestive tract or oesophagus, including voice and swallowing disorders.
The Head and Neck:
This centre of the body includes the important nerves that control sight, smell, hearing, and the face. In the head and neck area, Otolaryngologists are trained to treat infectious diseases, both benign and malignant (cancerous) tumours, facial trauma, and deformities of the face.