How to take care of your Voice?

The Speech sounds are produced by vibration of the vocal folds, which are two smooth muscle tissue positioned opposite to each other in the larynx. The larynx is located between the base of the tongue and the top of the trachea, which is the air passageway to the lungs. When we are not speaking, the…

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Nasal Allergies And Allergy Proofing

Allergy can occur when our immune system overreacts to a harmless substance (allergens) considering it to be harmful. The body considers allergens as pathogens and produces antibodies in the blood. These trigger the release of chemical mediators, that produces allergic reactions. • Can occur throughout the year [Dust mites/ Pet hairs/ Indoor molds/ Insects] •…

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Vestibular Exercises Simplified…

• A problem with balance and equilibrium causes vertigo. • Vestibular exercises help reduce the symptoms of vertigo and aid to regain balance. • Vestibular exercises do not treat or regenerate a damaged organ. • Vestibular exercises improve brain’s compensation for injuries or abnormalities within the balance system, thereby, building up tolerance in brain to…

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Gargling: Good or bad?

A sore throat is a miserable thing to deal with. We do not realise how many times we swallow during the day until every swallow becomes a painful task. Gargling has been the age old home remedy for sore throats across the world. So much has been advocated about gargling by our elders, literature and…

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Steam Inhalation

Steam Inhalation Steam inhalation simply implies breathing warm and moist air. It provides enormous benefits at the cost of practically nothing. Being readily available at home and having hardly any side effects makes it absolutely amazing. The only problem is the hesitancy on our part to do it and the complexity of the traditional way…

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